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How To Learn To Paint If You're Not Naturally Creative! DeCourcy Design

How To Learn To Paint If You're Not Naturally Creative!

Painting is a great way to express oneself creatively, but not everyone feels naturally gifted in this area. However, with the right approach and mindset, anyone can learn to paint and create beautiful works of art. Here are some tips on how to paint if you don't think you are naturally creative:
1. Start with simple tutorials: Look for painting tutorials that are designed for beginners. YouTube is a great resource for this. Follow along with the tutorials step-by-step until you feel comfortable with the techniques. Have fun using different mediums. It's easier to start with coloured pencils as you have more control than with a brush, but also remember that sometimes it's about relinquishing control and letting the brush speak. Great art has movement and expression.
man painting watercolour
2. Experiment with colors: Don't be afraid to play around with different color combinations. Start with primary colors and mix them to create new shades. You can also try using color wheels to get ideas for complementary color schemes. Try different techniques. Some people are great at illustration and detail, others are inspired by abstract and different lines and brush strokes. It might take some time to define your strengths and weakness and develop your own style. 
colour pastels
3. Use references: If you're feeling stuck or uninspired, look for references online or in art books. You can try replicating these images or using them as inspiration for new pieces. Don't be embarrassed to use paint by numbers kits or colouring books. You can learn a lot about colour theory and practising using your art tools this way.
colouring book with pencils
4. Practice regularly: Like any skill, painting requires practice. Set aside time each week to work on your paintings. Even if you only have a few minutes to spare, use that time to practice techniques or experiment with new color combinations.
hand painting watercolour
5. Don't expect perfection: Remember that the beauty of art lies in its imperfections. Embrace your mistakes and use them as opportunities to learn and grow. There are very few rules in art. Don't be concerned about the outcome, just let your creativity flow.
watercolour paints
6. Join a painting group: Find a local painting group or online community where you can connect with other artists. Check out your local "Paint And Sip". Why Not round up your friends and do a tutorial online together? You can share your work, get feedback, learn from others, and have some fun too.
painting group
7. Celebrate your progress: When you complete a painting that you're proud of, take a moment to celebrate your hard work and progress. Don't be too hard on yourself. It takes time to be an amazing artist. There is no such thing as failure....only practice!
proverb and pencils
With these tips, anyone can learn how to paint, even if they don't consider themselves naturally creative. The key is to approach painting with an open mind, a willingness to learn, and a commitment to regular practice. You don't need to be the next big thing....just let your creativity shine.
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